Industrial Services

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Samrakshan Organics serves a range of industries providing waste management solutions. We are equipped with diverse facilities including transportation and processing of large volume of organic waste there by helping industries to reduce their carbon footprint, with a sustainable concept of cradle Cradle rather than Cradle Grave (Landfill), thus transforming wastes into nutrient rich organic manures.

Fermentation Yeast / Cell Mass

The biodegradable deactivated fermentation yeast / cell mass generated from Distilleries, Breweries and Bio-pharmaceutical industries are composted by a sequence of anaerobic and aerobic windrow methods. The composted cell mass along with other organic substrates serve as a very good soil enricher & soil conditioner.

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Spent Coffee / Tea Residues

The spent coffee & Tea residues generated from the instant coffee/tea extraction industries are being utilised through scientific waste management techniques at Samrakshan Organics to transform them into enriched organic manure.

Spent Carbon and Boiler Ash

Spent carbon from water and wastewater treatment plants will also find a place at Samrakshan Organics. Spent carbon is used to improve the physical properties of the manure. Biomass based fuel Boiler ash would be used to enrich the organic manure.

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Herbal Extraction Residues Management

Herbal extraction wastes include residues after specific components extraction, final. product manufacturing wastes, expired and date barred finished goods etc. Scientific waste management protocols have been developed at Samrakshan Organics to transform them into enriched organic manure.

Effluent treatment plant and sewage treatment plant sludge

At Samrakshan Organics, biologically Sludge from Sewage & effluents Treatment Plants are tested for its compliance to hazardous contents and is transformed into nutrient rich compost by combining with other organic materials along with beneficial microorganisms in the process of composting.

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Food Processed Industrial Waste

Food processing industrial wastes comprises of expired and/or rejected processed food materials from confectionery industry, snacks and ready food manufacturing industry, food storage industry, beverage industries etc. At Samrakshan Organics these wastes are segregated. The plastic is sent for recycling; degradable organic portions are used for producing nutrient rich organic manure.

Vegetable and Fruit Processed Waste

The wastes generated during processing of fruits and vegetables for preparation of squashes, jellies, jams, concentrates, purees, canned foods, and sauces comprising of peels, seeds, and fibrous materials up 70-80% of input. These wastes are collected from source within a stipulated time and segregated. The cans/containers are returned for either reuse or recycling. The segregated organic matter is used for producing nutrient

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