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Some of Our Valuable Feedback

To Educate and motivate farmers to adopt sustainable farming practises. Inspiring farmers to produce chemical free healthy foods.

Farmer’s field visit by Soil scientists and Agro advisory services like Integrated Crop Management, Integrated Nutrient Management.

Banana, Arecanut growing farmer sharing his opinion about the use of Samrakshan Organic Manure and vermicompost.

Farmer practising the Organic Farming briefing about reducing the use of chemical fertilizer. The chemical fertilizer can be reduced by the use of Samrakshan Organic Manure and its importance in improving the soil health and increasing soil fertility.

Increased yield and improved quality by the use of Samrakshan Organic Manure and other products in Banana Plantation at Magadi.

Farmer opinion in his own words about the use of Vermicompost and its importance in improving soil Health.

Karnataka Rajyothsava prashasti Awardee farmer sharing his views about the use of Samrakshan Products and maintaing Soil Health.