Samrakshan Soil Setright for acid Soils

Home Soil Conditioners

Samrakshan Soil Setright for acid Soils

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Ca-12%, Mg-3%, S-5%

Benefits of Soil Setright for acid Soils:

  • It is a very good soil conditioner which helps to correct the soil pH. It contains Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur in a perfect blend.
  • Improves Soil structure, Increases soil aeration.
  • Improves nutrient availability in soil and makes soil suitable for better growth & higher yield of crops.
  • Calcium improves fruit quality, quantity and overall plant health.
  • Calcium plays an important role in regulating soil pH
  • Magnesium is the central component of chlorophyll, essential for photosynthesis
  • Magnesium is necessary for cell division and protein formation.
  • Sulphur helps to activate enzymes, which aids in biochemical reactions in plants.
  • Sulphur plays a key role in the formation of amino acids, proteins and oils.

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Packaging available:

1Kg, 5Kg & 40kg