Samrakshan Soil Setright for acid Soils
Samrakshan Soil Setright for acid Soils
Ca-12%, Mg-3%, S-5%
Benefits of Soil Setright for acid Soils:
It is a very good soil conditioner which helps to correct the soil pH. It contains Calcium, Magnesium and Sulphur in a perfect blend.
Improves Soil structure, Increases soil aeration.
Improves nutrient availability in soil and makes soil suitable for better growth & higher yield of crops.
Calcium improves fruit quality, quantity and overall plant health.
Calcium plays an important role in regulating soil pH
Magnesium is the central component of chlorophyll, essential for photosynthesis
Magnesium is necessary for cell division and protein formation.
Sulphur helps to activate enzymes, which aids in biochemical reactions in plants.
Sulphur plays a key role in the formation of amino acids, proteins and oils.
Soil Application
Packaging available:
1Kg, 5Kg & 40kg