Samrakshan Biophos

Home Bio-Fertilizers


Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria / Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi

It is a biofertilizer containing bacteria like Bacillus megaterium and Pseudomonas sp. and the fungi, Aspergillus awamori.

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PSB - 1 X 108 cells per ml, PSF - 1 X 10 viable fungal spores/ml of the liquid. pH: 7.0


Should not be mixed with insecticide, fungicide and chemical fertilizer. Better to have a gap of at least 15 days between the use of chemical fertilizer and biofertilizer.

Benefits of Biophos:

  • Mineralizes both organic phosphorus and soil fixed Phosphorus (inorganic) and makes it available to the crop.
  • Solubilizes up to 30 kg/hectare Phosphorus.
  • Secretes organic acids that solubilizes the rock phosphate and other insoluble phosphorus compounds in soil and improves availability.
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  • All crops

Application Method:

  • Mix with Samrakshan Organic Manure.
  • apply around the plant root zone or go for Seed treatment.
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Packaging available:
