Samrakshan Micronutrient (Borosan)

Home Multi Micronutrients Mixtures

Samrakshan Micronutrient (Borosan)

Samrakshan Micronutrient for soil application is a Grade II (I) micronutrient mixture defined by Govt. of Karnataka for soil application.

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Zn-10%, Fe-5%, Mn-2%, B-0.3%

Benefits of Micronutrient (Borosan):

  • Zinc is crucial for producing essential plant growth hormones and enzyme activation for carbohydrate metabolism, maintenance of cellular membranes and protein synthesis.
  • Iron is a component of many enzymes associated with chlorophyll synthesis, energy transfer, nitrogen reduction and fixation, and lignin formation.
  • Manganese plays a key role in photosynthesis and is involved in pollen germination, root cell elongation and resistance to root pathogens.
  • Boron supports the structural and functional integrity of plant cell membranes, enhances flowering, develops a uniform ripening process and is essential in sugar transport and cell division.

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Application Method:

Soil Application.

Packaging available:
