Samrakshan Bhu-Siri
SAMRAKSHAN Bio enriched nutrient rich organic manure (Bhu-Siri) is a fully matured and
Scientifically composted Manure.
Moisture: 25-30% | pH: 7.5-8.0 | Total Organic Carbon: 16-20% | Total Nitrogen: 1.5-2.0% |
Total Phosphorus: 2.8-3.2% | Total Potassium: 2.7-3.5% | Total NPK-6.59-7.42% | C: N Ratio:
14-18 |
Total viable count (NPK & Zn bacteria): 5.0 x 10^9
Benefits of Bhu-Siri:
Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of
Enhances the availability of major, secondary and
micro Vermi Compostnutrients to plants.
Adds organic carbon, earthworm eggs and eco-friendly microbes
to soil.
Rich in humus, promotes better root penetration and
Acts as strong repellent to insects and induces larvicidal
Reduces the population of nematodes, pathogenic micro-
organisms and Mycoplasma (MLO's).
It enhances the nutrient exchange capacity of soil there by
increasing the availability of nutrients to plants.
It increases soil humus content and availability of nutrients to plants.
Samrakshan Bhu-Siri is enriched with microbial culture which
helps in increased biological nitrogen fixation along
with solubilizing insoluble forms of phosphorus and potash and makes them available to
Use of Samrakshan Bhu-Siri helps in reducing the use of
synthetic chemical fertilizers.
It Reduces soil acidity/alkalinity and buffers soil reaction.