Samrakshan Bhu-Siri

Home Speciality Organic Manures

Samrakshan Bhu-Siri


SAMRAKSHAN Bio enriched nutrient rich organic manure (Bhu-Siri) is a fully matured and Scientifically composted Manure.

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Moisture: 25-30% | pH: 7.5-8.0 | Total Organic Carbon: 16-20% | Total Nitrogen: 1.5-2.0% | Total Phosphorus: 2.8-3.2% | Total Potassium: 2.7-3.5% | Total NPK-6.59-7.42% | C: N Ratio: 14-18 | Total viable count (NPK & Zn bacteria): 5.0 x 10^9

Benefits of Bhu-Siri:

  • Improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil.
  • Enhances the availability of major, secondary and micro Vermi Compostnutrients to plants.
  • Adds organic carbon, earthworm eggs and eco-friendly microbes to soil.
  • Rich in humus, promotes better root penetration and proliferation.
  • Acts as strong repellent to insects and induces larvicidal activity.
  • Reduces the population of nematodes, pathogenic micro- organisms and Mycoplasma (MLO's).
  • It enhances the nutrient exchange capacity of soil there by increasing the availability of nutrients to plants.
  • It increases soil humus content and availability of nutrients to plants.
  • Samrakshan Bhu-Siri is enriched with microbial culture which helps in increased biological nitrogen fixation along with solubilizing insoluble forms of phosphorus and potash and makes them available to plants.
  • Use of Samrakshan Bhu-Siri helps in reducing the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers.
  • It Reduces soil acidity/alkalinity and buffers soil reaction.

Raw materials :

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Packaging available:

1Kg, 5Kg & 40kg